looking back at the year behind us + planing for next
Before you set intentions for the coming year or even goals, you have to know how the past year went. The good, the bad, and where you need to improve. After hours of reading other blog posts, stuff on Pinterest, and a couple of books I read this year, here is how I am looking back on this year.
I am so grateful for all the clients who choose to work with me, all the work I got to create, and the creativity of this year. Here is a glimpse at some of the logos I got to work on this year.
Here are some highlights from my year:
Moved into a new apartment + got to explore a new part of the city
Sadie turned one
Hit some big milestones in my business
Celebrated 2 years in NYC
Launched Golden Hour Guild
Roadtrip across the US
Spent quality time with my partner + family
Read a LOT of good books
now to review…
Here is the format I used this year. There are four sections:
highlights — what happened this year
lessons — what did you lean
audit — how did you do this year
improvements — how can you be better, this is the start of building out intentions for 2022
download the blank version of the above document here.
TIME for the intentions
Now that you have reviewed 2021, it is time to plan for 2022!
Check out this blog post I wrote last year with another freebie for intention setting!